Donor Trends: How to Reverse the Tide
Summarizing the Giving USA Report, understanding the trends and implications, and gaining insight to reverse the tide.
Bringing Insights and Clarity to the 2021 Giving USA Report
Unpacking the Giving USA Report to determine the key highlights and identify philanthropic challenges to keep in mind.
Unpacking the Giving USA Report & Key Highlights
A deep-dive into the results of the Giving USA report, and sharing our insights and highlights.
Campaigns: Higher Education Versus Healthcare
Understanding the differences and similarities between Higher Education and Healthcare.
Pivot From COVID – the Shutdown Impact
Financial impact in Healthcare, Museums, and Higher Education.
Successful E-Techniques for Major Gifts
How Mount Sinai shifted during COVID and discovered E-techniques for major gifts and the effectiveness of social media.
Lessons Learned: Major Gift Fundraising Circa 1891
A memo from the 1800’s about how to solicit large sums of money from business men.
The Impact of the COVID-19 Economy on the 0.5%
Philanthropic attitudes and actions of the highly affluent. This focus on the high-net-worth and highly affluent represent the classic 5% of the donors at the top of the pyramid.
Productive Advancement While Sheltering in Place
Trying to keep the momentum going in an unprecedented and uncertain time for philanthropic Advancement teams.
Using Visionary Analytics™ to Determine Staffing Levels
Prospect staff through-put analysis and major gift prospect management.