In Memory of Don A. Campbell, Jr.


In Memory of Don A. Campbell, Jr.
A tribute for a dear friend and colleague.

Dear Friends,

I wanted to express my sympathy over the passing last week of Don Campbell. He had a huge impact on my professional growth and development, in addition to becoming a dear friend.

Campbell & Company was retained as counsel for Blackburn College’s first ever $5 Million campaign. As a recent college graduate I had been promoted to the director of alumni relations and had the honor to work directly with Don Campbell as our lead consultant. With a soft voice, and extensive experience Don taught me what I needed to know about campaigns and personal solicitation.

The story I recall was Don being one of the key players in the successful Case Western Reserve University $100 million campaign. At the campaign’s conclusion the university decided to cut its support of advancement and that is when Don moved back to Chicago and started the firm. We have all benefited from that decision.

Over the years, Don became a friend and colleague at AFP Global board meetings (then NSFRE). When I co-founded two AFP chapters (in the cities where I was working) – Don was the first to volunteer to come, do a presentation and help us recruit members – and always pro bono! At the annual AFP conference, he showed up in his dress Campbell Kilt and made a fashion statement that was uniquely his – simultaneously regal and approachable.

Don had a pleasant smile, a kind word, was always down to earth and eager to share his passion for the craft and the greater good that philanthropy represents. His passion for sailing was something we shared. Don, I join the millions of others who will miss you. Happy sailing my friend. I look forward to meeting you again in heaven.

Scott R. Lange – Founder & President