Naples, Florida

Scott R Lange

BIO   |   

Scott R. Lange is the president and founder of Visionary Philanthropic Consulting. He brings a wide combination of skills and experience to his clients. These are in the areas of major gift fundraising, business intelligence and analytics, strategic planning, technology and business process, team building and campaigns.

Scott has over 35 years of leadership experience as a CEO, chief development officer, entrepreneur, consultant and front line gift officer, His experience traverses higher education, healthcare, policy, international NGO’s, and technology sectors.

Scott’s career spans all aspects of development: campaigns; major and planned gift solicitation; annual giving; e-philanthropy; operations; board and team development; budgeting and forecasting; project and prospect management; and coaching. He specializes in leveraging analytics into effective tactical plans that advance an organization’s mission.

A few of his many accomplishments include the creation of the major gift program at the Cleveland Clinic; soliciting the first two endowed chairs at the University of Missouri-Columbia; campaign preparation, and counsel for the nation’s first public-private partnership to build a charity hospital for the Parkland Foundation (Dallas, Texas), and designing a commercially successful prospect management system (CRM).

Most recently, Scott served as Executive Partner and CEO of Jerold Panas, Linzy & Partners. His consulting experiences include both Grenzebach Glier + Associates, and Marts & Lundy.   Scott served as Director of Philanthropy and Campaigns for the National Review Institute. He served MedStar Health as Interim Chief Development Officer at the Washington Hospital Center and as Vice President of Philanthropy Services. He was Interim CEO and Chief Development Officer for World Hope International.

The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) cited Scott with the Crystal Apple Award (highest acclamation) for excellence in teaching. Scott has served as a track dean and faculty member at several AFP International Conferences. He is a former national board member of AFP, and founded two of its chapters. He has made presentations at Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP) conferences, and the Annual Summit of the Association of Advancement Service Professionals (AASP) and keynoted the AFP Planet Philanthropy Conference.

This past year Scott was elected to the board of AFP’s Fundraising Effectiveness Project and serves as Chair of the Bi-Weekly Working Group and co-chair of the Database Committee.