How To Turn Conflict Into Game-Changing Outcomes


How To Turn Conflict Into Game-Changing Outcomes
Conflict, when managed effectively, can lead to opportunities and breakthroughs. When diverse opinions are voiced, better decisions are made.

While most agree that conflict has no place in change management, we would be short sighted to overlook its potential presence or fail to plan for it. Workplace conflict can occur at any time, not just during periods of change, and often stems from differing interests, beliefs, or personalities. In fact, diversity of thought and perspective is something we all share, and when stress and emotions are involved, conflict becomes almost inevitable.

 Conflict, when managed effectively, can lead to opportunities and breakthroughs. When diverse opinions are voiced, better decisions are made. Paradigm shifts, creativity, and innovation often arise as we navigate hurdles and find new, sometimes disruptive, solutions. However, when conflict escalates unchecked, it can damage morale, erode company culture, and fracture even the most high-performing teams.

So, how do we channel conflict for its potential benefits without allowing it to escalate into something unmanageable and destructive? The key lies in planning ahead: anticipating conflict before it arises, guiding it constructively in the moment, and reflecting on the lessons learned for the future.